Market Your Farm or Food Business While You Sleep ​

Take advantage of automated email marketing with our FREE welcome series template.

An email welcome series is marketing on auto-pilot. Each time someone new subscribes to your list, they’ll immediately begin receiving a series of emails designed to build trust and curiosity. Set the automation up once and let it run in the background while you run your business.

If you’re not sure what to write or where to start, this template is for you.

Get an outline and instructions for ten emails that will help your customers learn:
1. How to order
2. Popular products to try
3. Your story

You get:
- A detailed outline of each email including a subject line suggestion, preheader, and summary of what the content should include
- Suggestions for how to pace the emails
- Instructions on how to use the outline
- A video demonstration of how to build your automation in Mailchimp
and more.

Get Your Template Now